Enrollment and Registration for LES

This page is for families that are wishing to enroll a new student at Ludington Elementary School.

Thank you for choosing Ludington Area Schools for your child’s educational journey! We are excited to partner with you and your family to help your child and every student reach his or her potential in an engaging, inspiring, challenging, and supportive environment. Strong early childhood programs serve as the foundation of a strong educational system, and we are confident that our programs will meet your child’s needs.

With the support of our dedicated team of educators, staff and administrators, LASD students are challenged to use their imaginations, engage their critical thinking skills, and become inspired to develop habits that will help them continue to learn and grow for the rest of their lives.  Thank you for choosing to be an Oriole!


Step #1: Click on the icon below to complete the online registration form through the secure PowerSchool Enrollment System. You will be asked to create a free and secure account. Please note: Required fields are marked as "Required" and must be completed. Also, the District will receive the data exactly as it is entered. Please be careful of spelling, capitalization, and punctuation.

When completed, click "Submit" to send your child's registration to the District. On the submission confirmation page, you will have the opportunity to print out a copy of your registration to keep for your records. Please note: Once the form is electronically submitted to the District, you will receive an e-mail confirmation.

The district is no longer accepting School of Choice applications for the 2023-2024. We will be accepting School of Choice applications for the 2024-2025 school year from July 1, 2024-August 1, 2024.


                                          Click on the Oriole to register your Little O's.



The 2024-2025 registration window for students that will be in grades first through fifth is not open. Please contact the school for further information. 

It will ask you to acknowledge receipt of the following form (updated forms in registration portal):

Other forms that may be required:

  • Home Language Survey (if home language is other than English)
  • School of Choice Form (if applicable)

Step #2:  Submit required documentation either in person at Ludington Elementary School or you may email them to Mrs. Lindsey Hatch at lhatch@lasd.net.

  • Birth Certificate
    • Children entering kindergarten should turn 5 on or before September 1st. 
    • Children turning 5 on or before December 1st are eligible for the Young 5's program. With written request, a child turning 5 between September 2nd-December 1st may enter kindergarten.
  • Proof of Residency
    • Any documentation that includes the parent/guardian's name and address.
    • Examples include driver's license, utility bill, junk mail
  • Current/Up to Date Immunization Records
  • Receipt of hearing/vision screening
    • DHD #10 will may hold clinics throughout the summer. The website will be updated when those dates are posted. 
  • Receipt of dental assessment

 Step #3: Do you need bus transportation? Click the bus to register for EZRouting. You will create an account. Be sure to click the correct school year.



Step #4: If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to reach out to us at 231-845-3820.  

                                               Welcome to Ludington Elementary!